Arson Prevention

Arson is a big problem in this country, and it causes millions of dollars in damage every year. There are the obvious costs of arson: death, injury, and loss of property. Then there are costs we don’t always think about, such as insurance costs. Think about it. Every time an insurance company has to pay for arson damage, our collective insurance costs go up. Besides prosecuting these crimes, we need do the things we can to prevent arson in the first place.

For one, install and maintain smoke alarms. Make sure they have functioning batteries, and be sure you have extras laying around. We are much more likely to change them when needed if replacements are conveniently nearby. Smoke detectors save countless lives every year.

Other tips include clearing away debris that is near your home. Certainly clear away anything that could catch fire, whether on purpose or not. Trim overgrown shrubs in your yard. This helps you to clearly see if anything suspicious is going on outside your home.

Lastly, get to know your neighbors. Knowing the people around you brings the power of a community together. People will watch out for you, as you watch out for them. Arson is preventable, but only if you and your neighbors work together.

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