Fire Sprinklers In The Home

We see businesses with fire sprinkler systems all the time. However, we don’t always think about adding them to our homes. We are probably over-reliant on our smoke detectors. Since there has been a big national push for a long time to encourage the use of smoke detectors, there is probably a notion that they alone will keep you safe.

Don’t misunderstand. We are very much in favor of smoke detectors. They actually save lives every year. However, we want people to understand that installing a sprinkler system in their home raises the chance of surviving a fire significantly. While a smoke alarm can alert you to the presence of smoke, the sprinkler system can keep the fire at bay or even put it out altogether.

In conjunction with smoke alarms, sprinkler systems will be a big aid to you and your family in the event of a fire. Check out this video from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) regarding fire sprinklers in the home.

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