Keep Safety In Mind This 4th of July

The fourth of July is near, and we are going to add to the multiplicity of voices calling for fireworks safety. While we understand this can sound like a killjoy, we hope to give you tips that will help keep everyone safe this holiday. Here are a few we found on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website:

  • Never let young children to play with fireworks.
  • Avoid fireworks that are wrapped in brown paper. This often indicates fireworks that were meant for professional displays, and can be dangerous to consumers.
  • Never place your body over the firework device while lighting the fuse.
  • This goes without saying, but…never point or throw fireworks at anyone else.
  • Keep a bucket of water close by in the event of a fire.
  • Don’t carry fireworks in your pocket, or shoot them out of glass or metal containers.
  • Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before shooting them off.

The bottom line is you need to use common sense. By following these guidelines, you are helping keep your family safe from a holiday tragedy.

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