Fire Prevention Month is 12 Times a Year

Every month should be fire prevention month. It doesn’t have to be the summer to observe fire prevention safety. The hot weather and low water supply can create havoc if a small starting fire will go wild.

Here are some fire prevention tips to prevent a disastrous fire:

  • Keep all matches, lighters, and other sources that may start a fire out of children’s reach.
  • Discard all oily rugs. Do not store them in a tight compartment because they may start a fire.
  • Do not store gasoline in ordinary containers.
  • Always keep a pail or 2 of water on hand at all times to suppress starting ordinary fire.
  • Do not leave stoves (in use) unattended. Unplug flat iron when not in use.
  • Shut off regulator valves of LPG after use.
  • Clean LPG hose with soap and water frequently (at least daily) to remove oil and other spoiled food.
  • Do not run away if fire breaks out from the LPG tank. Shut the valve from the regulator. Remember LPG tanks do not explode when there is no fire inside the tank.
  • If you smell LPG in the house, check your stove or range for open valves or possible leak from the tank, regulator and/or connecting hose.
  • If using lighted candles during brownouts, be sure they are away from the walls, curtains and other materials which may burn.
  • Never let lighted candle stand on top of a wooden table or at the edge of the table. Always place them inside a container that will not burn or break.
  • If your electrical appliances get hot, unplug the cord and call a qualified electrician to check over. Heated electrical wires and plugs are a common source of fire.

The aim of fire prevention is to teach and train the public about the precautions to avoid potential fire. It also is to educate the public on what to do in case of fire. Your home should always be safe from fire. Keep out combustible materials and if possible, install a smoke detector. Also, as much as possible, make it a rule that no one should smoke inside your house.

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