Be Prepared for Fire Emergencies

Preparing and knowing what to do in case of fire is vital for one’s safety. It could affect you and your family if you are prepared for fire emergencies. The effectiveness of your preparation depends on your training, drilling and amount of planning in case of emergencies. Fires are the most preventable disaster but the most common tragedy as well. Taking simple precautions can go a long way.

Below are some tips for fire emergencies:

•    Make an escape plan that is visible for everybody. A perfectly designed emergency escape can save you and your family. Make sure that the design is clear and understandable for everyone. Ways and paths are clearly shown to make a safe escape.  Indicate clearly the floor plan especially the escape routes and directions and make sure that the paths are clear from blocking.

•    Practice a fire drill at least twice a year especially before fire prevention season. This will perfect your escape plan. Assign a meeting place where you will meet as soon as you get out of the house. A two-storey house should have an escape ladder where people can exit during fire. Make sure that everyone can unlock doors and windows especially children and older persons.

•    Consider purchasing fire alarms to avoid more serious accidents. This will warn you that there is smoke somewhere in your place. You may also want to purchase fire extinguisher to prevent the fire from getting worst.

•    Teach everyone how to escape. Children and old people should know what to do in case of fire. A parent or guardian may not be there when the emergency happens. Teach them to crawl and other first aid activities like getting a damp towel, etc.

The three keys to being prepared for fire emergencies are to keep an emergency kit, make emergency plan and be always informed. Being prepared does not only include plans during the fire but also plans before, during and after the fire has happened. If you are fortunate to get out of the house alive, do not attempt to go back inside either to help other people or get some important paraphernalia. Inform a fireman if there is somebody left inside the house.

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