Electrical Fires: What You Can Do To Avoid Them

Electrical fires are a major cause of home fires, and they don’t just start from old, faulty wiring. The holidays bring a spike in electrical fires due to the spike in electricity use from Christmas tree lights and decorations. Statistically, though, bedrooms are where most electrical fires start. Here are some recommendations to minimize the chances of an electrical fire in your home.

  • Don’t use extension cords as permanent electrical outlets. They are not meant to handle sustained electrical currents passing through them.
  • Replace any frayed or strained power cords on electrical devices. One of the leading causes of electrical fires is faulty or old wiring.
  • To keep children from inserting things into an outlet, use safety plugs on unused outlets.
  • Keep any cloth, like rugs, blankets or curtains, away from radiators or other heating devices.
  • Be an informed consumer. Only use electronic devices that pass safety standards. Cheap electronics that make their way into the system can short circuit and cause fire.
  • Be on the look out for fuses or bulbs that short circuit frequently. This could be evidence of faulty wiring that could start a fire.

These are just a few things to keep in mind. They will keep you, your family and your home safe from preventable catastrophes.

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