Keep Children Safe around Fires

Children are the most important people in our homes and should be taken care of very well. We want to make sure they are kept safe from any dangers, especially fire, because fire is one of the most hazardous things that we constantly use in our homes for cooking. We also use fires to keep warm in the colder months and many enjoy a good fire outside on the patio or outdoor room as well. It’s unfortunate that children are many times the victims of fire related accidents that could have been avoided.

So what are some of the safety measures we can take to ensure our children’s safety around fire? The first safety tip is to simply supervise your child around fires. Knowing where your child is in relation to the fire is critical in keeping them safe. This doesn’t matter whether they are in the kitchen around a stove or playing by a fire pit. The ability to watch out for your children in a dangerous place is key t keeping them safe from harm.

The second safety measure is teaching your child that fire is not a toy and it is not safe to play around it. Making kids aware of the potential for harm is important. Until a child gets burned or too close to a heat source they don’t realize the potential for getting hurt. Just by letting them know is a key step toward safety.

The third step to ensure child safety around open fires is to keep flammable objects far away. Children are playful and curiosity can get the better part of them. Allowing them to catch sticks on fire and run or stir the embers up to fly around are both things that need to be avoided. Children, fire and play are not good bedfellows so just don’t allow it.

The final step to guarantee safety is having proper smoke alarms throughout your home. In case there is a danger of smoke you will be alerted and your children have a better chance to get out of the house than without alarms. Having fire drills is also a great way to keep your children calm just in case something unexpected happens

Remember children are important. Child safety around fires should be taken seriously no matter what the situation or where the fire comes from.

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