Kitchen and Bath Fireplace Basics

Fireplaces are now an integral part of most every home’s family room or living room. A new innovation in electric and gas fireplace lets homeowners install this heart-warming and cherish feature anywhere they want – including bathrooms and kitchen – because this new option requires no or little ventilation.

A fireplace installed in the home increases the home’s value, provides warmth and gives a good ambiance. For the new kitchen feature, it can also serve as cooking source. If you know already the function of your fireplace, doing some research is necessary for you to be able to choose the exact fireplace for your need. Getting information from a fireplace professional, chef and kitchen designer may help you decide on the right fireplace in your kitchen.

The first thing that you should work on is to determine your needs. Consider where you want to place your fireplace and your intention for putting it. Will your fireplace give you warmth during cold nights or will it just serve as highlight in your living room.  Consider next on how big or how small your fireplace will be. If your fireplace will be used to provide warmth, a bigger fireplace may be better to produce the right amount of heat to accommodate your space.

Vent-free fireplaces, like the name suggest, needs no venting system so it is much cheaper to install. They produce extremely hot flame producing lesser carbon monoxide.  Be careful though in using this type of fireplace because this does not suit small baths and kitchen because of the amount of heat it produces. Since it has no vent, it may produce too much moisture which is a result of combustion. Both vent-free and direct vent fireplace require a supply of propane or natural gas to work.

Electric fireplace, on the other hand, is the next choice if you prefer to experience the feel and look of flames. The reflective panel and light bulbs give the feeling of flames. The new models of electric fireplace are better than the older models because it is more realistic. You can choose fireplace designs that will complement the look of your home because fireplace are available in granite, marble, brick and fieldstone.

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