Awareness and Vigilance Are Keys to Fire Prevention

Being aware of your indoor surroundings and staying vigilant are keys to fire prevention. This should go without saying, but reminders are often a good idea. Here are some things to remember.

Don’t overload an electrical outlet. Too many electrical devices and appliances plugged into one outlet will overload it, and can potentially catch fire. It’s also a good idea to unplug things like chargers and other electronic devices that aren’t necessary after usage. The upside to this unplugging, besides fire prevention, is a savings on your electric bill. Even small cellphone chargers will sip power from the outlet as long as they are plugged in.

Regularly check electrical installations and fire protection devices. Any electrical work that is necessary should only be performed by a qualified electrician. Faulty wiring is a major cause of fire.

Be sure to consistently check gas appliances. Any cracked hoses should be immediately replaced. The fumes are dangerous to inhale, and are highly flammable.

Don’t smoke in bed, or leave a lit cigarette unattended. This feels like a no-brainer, but as I said earlier, reminders are a good thing. We hear stories everyday about people who are killed because they fell asleep while smoking in bed. These tragedies are highly preventable.

Two more things to remember. Have a working fire extinguisher, and make sure smoke alarms have good batteries in them. These are the types of things that help keep you safe. They can give you enough time to react in the event of an emergency.

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Fire Prevention For Your Business

We talk a lot about fire prevention for your home, but we wanted to also touch on ways to prevent fires at your business. Any business that doesn’t plan for disaster may find themselves unable to reopen. Here are some things business owners should think about.

  1. Install a sprinkler system: This would seem obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many businesses don’t have one. A sprinkler system can stop a fire before it causes much damage. If your business does have one, be sure to have it inspected regularly.
  2. Install Smoke Alarms: This is another basic that homes and businesses should have. Some municipalities will give them out for free. When you install them, be sure to replace batteries when they die.
  3. Storage & use of flammable liquids: It is important to keep in mind that the liquid itself is not the only dangerous part. The vapors that emanate from them are also flammable and dangerous to breathe. The less of these flammable liquids you can store on property, the better. Otherwise, be sure to follow established guidelines for usage and storage of these liquids.
  4. Be prepared: In the event a fire breaks out at your business, have an evacuation plan in place for you and your employees. Knowing where to go and what to do will raise the chances that everyone gets out safely.

By having a plan, the proper tools and consistent procedures, you will increase the chances of your business being able to weather a fire disaster.

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Ashbusters Named Nashville’s Best Chimney Sweep

We’d like to give a belated congratulations to our sponsor, Ashbusters Chimney Service, for being named Nashville’s best chimney sweep in the Nashville Scene’s readers poll. This is a big honor for local businesses. It shows they have the ability to connect with their customers, and provide real value.

Here is an overview of the services offered by Ashbusters:

  • Chimney Sweeping
  • Chimney Inspections
  • Chimney Repair
  • Chimney Masonry Repair
  • Dryer Vent Cleaning

As we have said before, each of these services are vital to keep your home safe. Your chimney needs to be cleaned and inspected regularly. Any damage to the structure of the chimney needs to be promptly repaired, since not doing so would raise the chance of a house fire. Also, your dryer vent needs to be cleaned regularly. Doing so not only helps prevent fire, but will also extend the life of your dryer and your clothes.

Don’t hesitate to contact Ashbusters if you need any of the services they offer. You’ll be glad you did.

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Choosing the Right Firewood

Even though Spring is upon us, it’s important to know the safest wood to use come next fall. Believe it or not, not all wood is safe to use in your fireplace. You’ll want to educate yourself on how different types of wood burn, and what effect that will have on your chimney.

Resinous wood, such as conifers with needles, burns with much heavier smoke. This heavy smoke leads to higher build-up of creosote, which can catch fire. This burning creosote can cause cracks in masonry chimneys. Hardwoods, like oak, hickory, maple and ash, usually burn clean and efficient.

Be careful when using scrap wood, like that which you find at a construction site. This wood is often treated or painted. Burning it will release dangerous chemicals, and make the air inside your home unsafe to breath.

Lastly, season the wood you want to use for several months in a dry place. Remember, wet wood will release more of the highly flammable creosote, thus raising your chimney maintenance bill.

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Electrical Fires: What You Can Do To Avoid Them

Electrical fires are a major cause of home fires, and they don’t just start from old, faulty wiring. The holidays bring a spike in electrical fires due to the spike in electricity use from Christmas tree lights and decorations. Statistically, though, bedrooms are where most electrical fires start. Here are some recommendations to minimize the chances of an electrical fire in your home.

  • Don’t use extension cords as permanent electrical outlets. They are not meant to handle sustained electrical currents passing through them.
  • Replace any frayed or strained power cords on electrical devices. One of the leading causes of electrical fires is faulty or old wiring.
  • To keep children from inserting things into an outlet, use safety plugs on unused outlets.
  • Keep any cloth, like rugs, blankets or curtains, away from radiators or other heating devices.
  • Be an informed consumer. Only use electronic devices that pass safety standards. Cheap electronics that make their way into the system can short circuit and cause fire.
  • Be on the look out for fuses or bulbs that short circuit frequently. This could be evidence of faulty wiring that could start a fire.

These are just a few things to keep in mind. They will keep you, your family and your home safe from preventable catastrophes.

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Kids Will DO the Darndest Things

As kids, most of us can remember doing some pretty dumb things that seemed like a good idea at the time. In fact, I have a buddy who has a memory of one such “great” idea he had when he was 7 years old.

As kids can often be, he was curious about the flammability of a single piece of facial tissue. Much to his surprise, it was quite flammable. In fact, it burned a hole in his carpet before he was able to put out the fire. He placed a garbage can over the affected area, and wasn’t discovered for 2 years! That story is funny now, but it could have ended tragically.

Another thing kids will sometimes do is sneak off to the garage or shed to smoke cigarettes. Beyond the health hazards, any fumes from the fuel kept in those spaces can be ignited by cigarettes. Think about the various flammable liquids you keep in your storage spaces. The fumes can be just as dangerous as the liquid.

We say all of this to remind you to educate your children on fire safety. Kids will generally do better if we give them the proper information. Teach your children about fire prevention, and you’ll give them the proper tools to stay safe.

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The Importance of Dryer Vent Cleaning

You may find this surprising, but clogged dryer vents can be more of a fire hazard than chimneys. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) there are 15,500 fires, 10 deaths and 310 injuries from dryer exhaust fires annually.

These tragedies can be prevented just by performing regular checks on your dryer vent. Lint is highly flammable, and the high heat that comes from your dryer can ignite the excess lint. Take a look inside the Boy Scouts Manual, and you’ll find dryer lint is the perfect substance to start a fire.

There are other benefits, besides fire prevention, that come with regular dryer vent cleanings. First, you extend the life of your dryer. When the vent is clean and clear, the dryer does not have to work as hard. Second, your energy bill will go down. A more efficient dryer uses much less energy.

Another thing to consider is the air you breath inside your home. A clogged vent will cause a higher build-up of dust, triggering allergies in some people. There is a greater concern than dust if your dryer is gas heated. You certainly don’t want gas fumes escaping into your home’s atmosphere.

Be conscious about keeping your dryer vent clean. By doing so, you will keep your home safe, clean and efficient.

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Caring For Your Wood Stove Chimney

Wood stove chimneys are a great addition to your home. It adds both warmth and ambience. However, proper care is needed if you want it to be safely used. Here are some things to keep in mind when using and maintaing your wood stove chimney.

  • Wood you use: It is important to use dry wood when using your wood stove. Wet wood burns slower and with less heat. It also smokes more, which will pollute the air inside your house. Wet wood will also lead to a larger build-up of creosote, which is one of the leading causes of chimney fires. Seasoned wood, stored properly, is the best way to go.
  • Avoid using too much wood: It is best to use less wood at one time. This will help the fire to burn hotter, and it will decrease creosote build-up.
  • Clean your chimney regularly: Performing regular cleanings during heavy-use seasons will keep the atmosphere inside your home clean and healthy. It will also reduce dust and the incidence of allergens.
  • Clear creosote buildup: Because of the danger of chimney fire, clearing the creosote in your chimney and fireplace is vital. Doing so will also increase the efficiency of your fireplace.
  • Get regular inspections: This is very important. By having your chimney inspected, at minimum yearly, you will be able to catch problems sooner, thus avoiding expensive repairs.

Following these tips will ensure that you are able to enjoy your wood stove chimney for many years to come.

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Common Chimney-Related Questions

People who have a fireplace and chimney often have questions, but don’t know where to get the answers. Here are a few commonly asked questions, and their answers.

  • My fireplace stinks in the summer. Why? The smell occurs because of the build-up of Creosote. The humidity in the summer exacerbates the smell. Baking Soda or Kitty Litter placed in the fireplace will often help.
  • How often should my chimney be cleaned? There are a variety of factors to consider when answering this question. Here is the simplest answer: The National Fire Protection Association Standard 211 says, “Chimneys, fireplaces, and vents shall be inspected at least once a year for soundness, freedom from deposits, and correct clearances. Cleaning, maintenance, and repairs shall be done if necessary.”
  • I have a gas fireplace. Should this chimney be checked, too? In a word, Absolutely! Even though gas is a clean burning fuel, blockages in the chimney can be caused by bird’s nests or other debris. Any blockages can increase the risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

In the weeks to come, we will try to answer more of your questions. We hope to become a trusted resource, as you keep your home safe.

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