Types of Chimneys

There are many types of chimneys but while there are various types of chimneys, the most ordinary is the masonry chimney and the manufactured chimneys. Whatever type of chimney you have, all chimneys function to carry out the smoke from your house and providing the fire in the fireplace with air. These two primary functions of chimney are fulfilled by masonry and manufactured chimneys. The advantages and disadvantages are what makes chimneys differ from each other.

Masonry construction chimney is perhaps the most common chimney type installed in so many houses. Resulting chimney is part of the chimney structure. Material used ranges from stone to brick using a clay-tile liner in holding the parts together. Baked-clay flue lining is required for this type of chimney for both safety and easy cleaning.

Manufactured chimney is the other type of chimney construction. It is also called a factory chimney because it is built in the factory. It will be transported to the house for assembly and installation. It is also called a factory metal chimney because it is commonly made with metal. A solid fuel heater is commonly used with this type of chimney than the natural gas. There are many types of factory chimney and all of them do not need a liner.

The mass-insulated, double wall chimney have two metal layers for proper insulation. The space in between the two layers absorbs the heat in the chimney. The two metals (stainless steel), may contain heat but not absorb it. Air-cooled chimneys, on the other hand, has only air in between the layers for air circulation to help disperse heat.

Air-insulated chimneys are almost the same with air-cooled chimney except that air movement is limited in air-insulated chimneys. It simply insulates the heat unlike in air-cooled construction wherein air take the heat until it disperses. Some chimney designs combine parts of different factory manufactured chimneys.

The masonry type chimney is what people traditionally think of when it comes to chimney installation. This type is most likely to consider but is far expensive than the factory manufactured chimney. A factory chimney is cheaper and is easier to install but requires a factory fireplace too.

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Preparing for a Fire Emergency

One of the most important things that parents fail to teach their children is to get ready for emergencies, such as fire. The first step is to inspect and check your house for possible fire exits. Check if the windows and doors in your house are big enough to be used as possible fire exits. Make an escape plan for each room, making sure that there should be at least two ways to get out of the room to escape fire.

In making the escape plan, you need to include important details, such as windows, stairs and hallways. After planning, you should meet your family members and discuss your fire escape plan. You should also ensure that your family has developed a way of warning other family members of fire, such as shouting, bells, door tapping, etc. It would be great if each bedroom of the house has an emergency kit like flash light and a bell. Finally, select a safe place outside the house where everyone will meet after escaping the fire.

It is excellent to act out your escape plan with the whole family. Teach your kids how to stay close to the ground when escaping and let them remember the way. Smoke caused by fire would make it tough to see the exit; it would be wise if you and children know the way by heart. Your family should know that during fire, you should touch and feel the door first before opening it. Do not open the door if it is hot. Find a new way wherein you could escape your room or house. If the clothes catch fire, remind everyone to fall to the ground and roll. This will help put out the fire.

Ensure that emergency numbers are placed near telephones. Such numbers should always be handy and visible so that you can contact authorities immediately. Install smoke detectors in key places in your house and always check their batteries. Place fire extinguishers in key locations. If your house has many floors put at least one fire extinguisher per floor. Prohibit smoke inside the house to avoid incidences of fire are caused by improperly discarded cigarettes. If smoking cannot be helped, make sure that nobody smokes in the bed. No matter how many times you have told your kids that lighters and matches are unsafe, some will still play with them. It is recommended to keep them in safe places.

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Your Chimney’s Masonry May Need A Repair

Chimneys are dangerous and even fatal if allowed to deteriorate. If wrong techniques and materials were used in repairing the chimneys, it may deteriorate even faster even before repaired. A chimney that is not properly repaired can be unsafe and not pleasing to the eyes. It may also lessen the life of your chimney. Fireboxes and chimneys that were not properly repaired can also emit dangerous gases. Masonry chimney will also come loose and deteriorate when used with a wrong mortar.

Effects of unrepaired chimneys or fireboxes:

  • Release of toxic, dangerous, and unhealthy gases in your home.
  • Fire, due to sparks and flames that may go in your house and come in contact with any combustible materials like rugs, carpet, etc.
  • Damage to property or people due to falling materials from your loose masonry.

One or all of these dangers may occur simultaneously. The best way to know how damage your chimney is is to call a chimney expert. They have a keen understanding of your masonry chimneys in and out. When the real damage has been recognize, they can inform you the causes and effects of these damages. Chimneys are prone to deterioration because its sides and top are exposed to winds, snow, rain and ice. Masonry chimneys are also prone to expansion and contraction due to the effects of heat from fire and cold from cold and wet outdoor temperature. Continuous expansion and contraction causes many movements and deterioration eventually.

Prevent your chimney from deteriorating:

  • Ensure that your chimney crown is constructed using the same right materials to function correctly. If cracked or deteriorating, repair as soon as possible to prevent further cracks.
  • Ensure that mortar joints are properly functioning. When doing mortar repairs, make sure that it works with cooperation with your masonry chimney unit.
  • Since your masonry  is extremely exposed to the outside elements, apply a water after all the repairs to prevent water penetration. Ensure that everything has been repaired already before applying the water resistant, otherwise, it will make your chimney deteriorate more. Select a good water sealer because not every water sealers have the same effects.
  • Have your chimney and firebox checked regularly. Hire a licensed and experienced chimney masons to prevent wasting of money. Fix small problems the soonest possible to avoid further damage.
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Propane Safety

Propane must be handled safely and properly to make sure that it is safe, efficient and burning clean. Using propane safely, following the safety precautions and teaching your family about safety guidelines will prevent serious accidents and will keep everybody safe. Propane (also known as LPG or Liquified Petroleum Gas) is used worldwide. A chemical element is added to propane gas to easily detect if it has spill or leak. Some people would find it hard to detect the smell because of poor sense of smell or the odor of the propane gas is too mild to smell by a sleeping person. Installing an alarm to detect propane leak is useful if you have problems with smelling leaking gas. It is useful for every households or for people with food business like restaurants and hotels. The alarm can also be installed in a propane-powered vehicles.

If propane gas comes in contact with your skin, it may result to frostbite or serious freezing burns. Propane is dangerous when mixed with oxygen (air) and can stir up fire when exposed to open flames, electrical sparks, smoking materials and static electricity. Do not ignore the smell of LPG gas. Check your tank if gas is leaking. If you smell gas, turn of all electrical and smoking appliances immediately. Make sure there is no open flames and turn off cellphones as well.   Do no turn flashlights and any other lights on and off continuously. Evacuate the place as soon as possible. Make sure that your children are out when there is a gas leak. If possible, turn off the gas tank and valves to lessen possible explosion and damage. Do not return inside your home until it is totally free from gas and safe to go back inside again. Before restarting your appliance, have it checked first by a technician to ensure that there is no damage on the appliance that may have caused the leak. You can also check by yourself if your tank hose has leak. Brushing a soap with water on the hose will reveal if there is a leak. Bubble will form if there is an opening in your hose. Using propane safely starts with understanding the dangers and how can it be prevented.

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Smoking and Fire Safety

There are about 1,000 smokers and non-smokers who are killed in home due to fire caused by their cigarettes and other smoking devices. Fire due to cigarettes and smoking devices can be preventable by taking precautions. If you are a smoker or is living with a partner who smokes, be cautious. A lit cigarette that is unintentionally dropped into a carpet, bed or chair can cause wild fire. Even an ashes or  cigarette sticks that are put to trash but is not completely burnt out may caused fire itself. Making sure that a cigarette is completely burnt out is a duty of a responsible smoker. It lies on your hand the safety of your loved ones by making sure that you follow simple rules and warning for fire safety purposes. Facts are more than one third of fire victims caused by cigarettes are children and 25 percent comes from friends, neighbors and relatives of smokers.

If you are a smoker, follow these simple fire safety guidelines:

•    As much as possible, NEVER smoke inside the house.

•    Use deep ashtrays when smoking to prevent ashes from coming out

•    Make sure that cigarettes are not lit and ashes are out when disposing them.

•    Check your cigarette butts

•    If oxygen is used inside your home, DO NOT smoke inside

•    When smoking, fire-safe cigarettes are best

•    Be cautious when smoking especially in fire-hazardous areas like gasoline stations.

•    Do not smoke if you are sleepy or taking prescription drugs that may cause drowsiness.

•    Do not smoke near fire-combustible materials like cloth, papers, etc.

•    Keep your match or lighters away from children.

Almost 75% of fires are caused by abandoned cigarettes or cigarettes that was disposed carelessly. This means that a smoker should always pay attention and be careful when lighting a cigarette and should always be aware of fire safety. The location of the victims that were killed by fires caused by cigarettes were remote from the actual cigarette that caused the fire. 30% of the victims were the smoker or the one who ignites the cigarette, 28% were in the same location as the smoker or cigarette while 40% of the victims were far from the smoker or cigarette.

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Cleaning Your Dryer Vent

Few people know the importance of dryer vent cleaning. Dryer vent cleaning is necessary to avoid fire and accidents. There are numerous reports that connect dryer vents with accidents and emergencies. A dryer vent also needs maintenance to keep it safe and in good working condition. A dryer vent accumulates lint from clothes that tumbles dry inside the dryer. These lints can cause fire because they are highly combustible. Cleaning your dryer vent prevents it from clogging. Some signs that your vent needs cleaning are:

  • Drying clothes is longer than usual.
  • Clothes are very hot but is still damp especially for heavier materials like pants and towels.
  • The dryer feels hot inside.
  • There is no lint in the dryer which means that something is clogged.

A dryer vent full of lint may add cost to your electricity by $20 monthly just for drying your clothes. You may disconnect your vent from the dryer and the wall and clean it using a vacuum. Hiring a professional cleaner for your dryer vent may cost you $75 to $200 depending some factors. You may also do on your own provided you have the equipments and tools needed for dryer vent cleaning. A proper research over the internet will help you on the step by step process and guidelines in doing so. A dryer vent cleaning kit is available for your own convenience which includes everything that you will need in cleaning. It includes brushes, rods, vacuums and adapters. Most cleaning kits would cost you $20. Other kits are more complete but will cost you more than $20. It has 36′ rods good to reach long dryer vents. Overall, these kits are good and works well. Additional accessories are also available for other purpose.

To sum up, the basic guidelines in dryer vent cleaning are:

  • clean the lint trap after every use
  • clean the vents and ducts regularly
  • clean the dryer’s behind
  • having the right kit

By maintaining your dryer vent clean, you’ll be assured that your dryer will function well and you are in safe condition.

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What Are Chimney Caps?

Chimney caps not only shield the inside of your chimney, but they are also designed to protect the cap area at the top of the chimney. The primary reason for capping a chimney is to protect the inside from water, which can lead to moisture damage. Damage also can be caused by dust and debris. Capping your chimney will lessen the risk of burning embers or sparks escaping the open chimney and falling on your roof or in your yard. An uncapped chimney will invite birds and animals to “nest” inside. This can block your chimney, and can result in a chimney fire.

Chimney caps come in many different styles and sizes. When deciding which style is best for you, first, know what kind of chimney you have. Also, dimensions are important to determine the cap size needed. You will need to know whether you have a single-clay liner, multi-clay liner, or no liner at all. Measure the top of the clay liner depending on what type you have and then decide the cap needed.

The five basic dimensions to measure a chimney cap:

  • The first dimension is the length of both flues together.
  • Second dimension is the width of both flues together.
  • Third dimension is the width of the whole chimney crown.
  • Fourth dimension is the length of the whole chimney crown.
  • Fifth dimension is the height of the tallest flue. Allow 5 inches taller than the tallest flue for the screen altitude to keep the right draft.

Also when computing the mounting of your chimney caps, you may cover both the length and the width of the flues or you may cover the perimeter of the crown. Keep 2 to 3 inches of space for the mounting rims to attach to the crown. You will need the total dimension of the crown in the inside and outside measurement if you do not have clay flue tiles.

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Fire Prevention Month is 12 Times a Year

Every month should be fire prevention month. It doesn’t have to be the summer to observe fire prevention safety. The hot weather and low water supply can create havoc if a small starting fire will go wild.

Here are some fire prevention tips to prevent a disastrous fire:

  • Keep all matches, lighters, and other sources that may start a fire out of children’s reach.
  • Discard all oily rugs. Do not store them in a tight compartment because they may start a fire.
  • Do not store gasoline in ordinary containers.
  • Always keep a pail or 2 of water on hand at all times to suppress starting ordinary fire.
  • Do not leave stoves (in use) unattended. Unplug flat iron when not in use.
  • Shut off regulator valves of LPG after use.
  • Clean LPG hose with soap and water frequently (at least daily) to remove oil and other spoiled food.
  • Do not run away if fire breaks out from the LPG tank. Shut the valve from the regulator. Remember LPG tanks do not explode when there is no fire inside the tank.
  • If you smell LPG in the house, check your stove or range for open valves or possible leak from the tank, regulator and/or connecting hose.
  • If using lighted candles during brownouts, be sure they are away from the walls, curtains and other materials which may burn.
  • Never let lighted candle stand on top of a wooden table or at the edge of the table. Always place them inside a container that will not burn or break.
  • If your electrical appliances get hot, unplug the cord and call a qualified electrician to check over. Heated electrical wires and plugs are a common source of fire.

The aim of fire prevention is to teach and train the public about the precautions to avoid potential fire. It also is to educate the public on what to do in case of fire. Your home should always be safe from fire. Keep out combustible materials and if possible, install a smoke detector. Also, as much as possible, make it a rule that no one should smoke inside your house.

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Be Prepared for Fire Emergencies

Preparing and knowing what to do in case of fire is vital for one’s safety. It could affect you and your family if you are prepared for fire emergencies. The effectiveness of your preparation depends on your training, drilling and amount of planning in case of emergencies. Fires are the most preventable disaster but the most common tragedy as well. Taking simple precautions can go a long way.

Below are some tips for fire emergencies:

•    Make an escape plan that is visible for everybody. A perfectly designed emergency escape can save you and your family. Make sure that the design is clear and understandable for everyone. Ways and paths are clearly shown to make a safe escape.  Indicate clearly the floor plan especially the escape routes and directions and make sure that the paths are clear from blocking.

•    Practice a fire drill at least twice a year especially before fire prevention season. This will perfect your escape plan. Assign a meeting place where you will meet as soon as you get out of the house. A two-storey house should have an escape ladder where people can exit during fire. Make sure that everyone can unlock doors and windows especially children and older persons.

•    Consider purchasing fire alarms to avoid more serious accidents. This will warn you that there is smoke somewhere in your place. You may also want to purchase fire extinguisher to prevent the fire from getting worst.

•    Teach everyone how to escape. Children and old people should know what to do in case of fire. A parent or guardian may not be there when the emergency happens. Teach them to crawl and other first aid activities like getting a damp towel, etc.

The three keys to being prepared for fire emergencies are to keep an emergency kit, make emergency plan and be always informed. Being prepared does not only include plans during the fire but also plans before, during and after the fire has happened. If you are fortunate to get out of the house alive, do not attempt to go back inside either to help other people or get some important paraphernalia. Inform a fireman if there is somebody left inside the house.

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Chimney Cleaning In Nashville

Here is a word from one of our chief sponsors, Ashbusters Chimney Service:

A number of fire incidents are increasing in Nashville, TN. If you live here, this alarming issue should not be kept ignored. Chimney cleaning in Nashville has been significant to prevent Chimneys and driers to cause fire. A simple and romantic chimney experience can lead to a dangerous fire incident inevitably. If you have chimneys and driers that are not well-maintained, this is your chance to have them cleaned and restore. We at Ashbusters, a chimney cleaning in Nashville, know exactly how to clean all types of chimneys and driers. We specialized in all chimney and dryer types, whether it is home or condo type of chimneys and dryers. We also cater to big buildings such as condos, hotels, and other commercial establishments.

Chimney cleaning in Nashville was developed several years ago. With years of experience, our people are highly skilled and knowledgeable in handling all your chimney needs such as cleaning, repairing, restoration and inspection. We have also done great works for dryer vents. We not just guarantee safety and protection but also we provide you your money’s worth. We also provide products that you need for a better and more effective use of your chimneys for fireplace or stoves. Aside from the usual cleaning and restoring, we also do routine and preventive maintenance removes odor and deodorize chimneys, removes trapped animals, masonry and brick repair, and cleaning dryer vents.

Like other chimney cleaning in Nashville, our personnel provides total customer satisfactory when it comes to their work done. We offer competitive cost without having to suffer customer service quality and satisfaction.  All you need is just one call and a well-trained technician will be available to get in touch with you right away to answer your needs. Save money and time and schedule your appointment and we will be glad to assist you. You can reach us through the following:

Email: ashbusters@aol.com.

Phone: 1-615-459-2546

Fax: 1-615-459-4592.

Regular mail:            Ashbusters Chimney Service
Attention: Mark Stoner
1120 Courier Place
Smyrna, TN

You may also leave a message on the contact page of our website for questions and inquiries. Don’t hesitate to visit us again.

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