Wildfires Have Been Particularly Bad This Season

Texas has experienced one of the worst wildfire season on record. Usually by now, the summer humidity keeps many communities safe from wildfire. However, now the entire state is experiencing a record drought, and there isn’t enough moisture to keep the fire at bay.

While we may not experience the same dry conditions here in Tennessee, we can still learn some very important lessons from the problems down in Texas. For starters, pay attention to local laws and ordinances regarding campfires and fireworks. The rules are there for a reason, and they are not to be a killjoy. They are there to keep loss of life and property from happening. To paraphrase an old saying, they only make a rule because someone caused a problem in the first place.

So, during these dry months of summer, pay attention to what you’re doing when you are working with fire. Learn about the things you can do to prevent a fire that gets out of hand. The best defense against a preventable fire is the person you see in the mirror.

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Regular Dryer Vent Cleaning Should Figure In To Your Fire Prevention Plans

Many of us have fire prevention and escape plans set up in our homes in the event of a house fire. There is no doubt that these types of plans help keep you and your family safe during emergency situations. If regular dryer vent cleaning is not on the prevention plan, then now is the time to change that.

When your chimney service provide arrives to your home, they are going to have equipment that will clean the entire duct. Inside your home, they will connect a device that blows air toward the outside. On the outside end of the vent, they will have a sweeping device that will pull any remaining lint that was not blown out. Remember, lint does not just collect in your lint trap. It can build up inside the duct that connects the dryer to the outside.

Another plus side to regularly cleaning your dryer vent is the lower wear and tear on your dryer, thus extending its life. Call a chimney service provider today, and have your dryer vents cleaned. It will help keep your home safe and clean.

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Have You Ever Considered a Cast Iron Stove or Fireplace Insert?

HamptonĀ® HI200 Small Wood Insert

There are many good options when it comes to fireplaces and stoves. When the time comes, people must choose between wood burning and gas burning. Among the many different styles of fireplaces and stoves, some of the most elegant are made of cast iron.

The beauty of cast iron stoves and fireplaces are the relatively low maintenance costs. While the chimney attached will need regular checkups, the cast iron appliance itself is a sturdy alternative to many of the products currently on the market. A cast iron appliance can last for many years, and will definitely save you money on your utility bills.

Check with your Nashville chimney service provider, and see what options they can provide. There is likely to be an extensive chimney and stove catalog at their disposal, and they can help you make the right choice for your home.

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Chimneys Gone Wild

Chimneys that are not maintained properly have a tendency to “go wild”. That is, they break apart and become a danger to your home. For instance, if a chimney collapses on your home, you may be dealing with much more than roof damage. There may be danger to you and your family.

This is precisely why regular maintenance is such a key. In fact, it would probably be wise to consider it a home utility. Your home will cease to be a safe place to live if you do not take care of the structural integrity of the chimney. Get in touch with a local chimney professional today. Don’t let your chimney become like the one in the picture.

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Appointment Tips for Your Chimney Service

Since you are not using your chimney nearly as much during the summer, it is a great time to schedule an appointment to have it serviced. However, there are certain things you want to keep in mind. Due to the fact that a lot of folks are going to have the same idea, you will want to keep some things in mind.

  • The Spring and Summer are the best times of the year for “non-emergency” maintenance such as chimney sweeping and chimney inspections.
  • October through January is what is known as the peak time for chimney work. Keep this in mind, because scheduling a chimney professional could be difficult during “primetime”.
  • Stop using your chimney, fireplace or stove at least 24 hours before your appointment. This makes for a safe environment for the chimney sweep.
  • On the day of your appointment, move anything fragile away from the fireplace. The sweep will need 5 to 6 feet of room to work.

It is also a pretty good idea to watch the chimney professional work. You can learn quite a bit about chimney safety by watching how they do their jobs.

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Sometimes Your Chimney Just Needs Repointing

In keeping the focus on chimney inspections and maintenance in the last few posts, we’d like to talk about chimney repointing. If you are a relatively new homeowner, or maybe have not always owned a home with a chimney, you may be unaware of what repointing a chimney consists of.

Repointing allows the chimney specialist to repair the chimney without damaging the structure itself. This is usually the preferred way to fix a chimney, because it keeps costs down. It is also a far lesser intrusion into the homeowners life. This is achieved by removing old, failing mortar, and replacing it with new, stronger mortar. A good chimney specialist will be able to expertly perform a repointing.

If you are unsure about the integrity of your chimney, call a professional chimney specialist. In fact, be sure to ask them to check the mortar in your chimney during your annual chimney inspection. This can stave off much more expensive repairs in the future.

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Do You Know What a Damper Is?

Sometimes, we feel it is a good idea to explain the various parts of a chimney. We find that it helps people communicate more effectively with their chimney sweeps. Today, we’ll talk about the chimney damper.

The damper, simply put, is a plate that regulates the flow of air into the chimney. Most can be accessed by a lever that is inside their fireplace. The damper is used to close off the flue, regulate air flow and keep out birds and small animals. This is key, because your chimney must have an unobstructed airflow to be safe and to work properly.

It is a good idea to be sure your damper is in good working condition. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where smoke is filling your home, or there is unwanted draft coming through the chimney. Call a local chimney specialist if you need help with your damper.

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There Are Different Levels of Chimney Inspections

Anyone who owns a chimney will need to have it inspected on a regular basis. It is simply part of the cost of owning a chimney. However, did you know there 3 distinct levels of chimney inspections?

  • The Level 1 inspection is the most common level of inspection. This is recommended if you have no plans to change your chimney appliance. You will want this inspection level performed during your annual maintenance inspection.
  • The Level 2 inspection is performed when you have a change being made to your chimney, such as a chimney relining. This level of inspection will usually be required when you buy or transfer ownership of a property.
  • The Level 3 inspection occurs when a Level 1 or 2 inspection turns up serious damage to the chimney appliance. This can include removal or destruction of part of the chimney, and it requires specialized tools to complete the task.

Don’t put off a chimney inspection. Usually, your annual Level 1 inspection will catch small problems before they become major ones. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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Summer Fire Safety

With all the rain we have had recently, it may be hard to believe that the dry season is not far away. This will be the time when our lawns don’t grow as fast, and the water sprinklers will be in full effect. It is also the time when you have to be very careful when using fire.

The drier weather brings increased chances of a campfire or grill fire spreading to our dry grass and shrubs. Because of this, it is important to keep your outdoor fires well contained. You will also want to keep a shovel and bucket of water nearby. This will help you contain an outbreak more easily.

In another month or so, fireworks will be everywhere. Be sure to follow your local laws and ordinances regarding the use of fireworks. This will help keep a preventable fire from erupting in your neighborhood.

Finally, enjoy the summer!

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Memorial Day Grilling Safety

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate the sacrifices made by so many past and present Americans for the cause of freedom. In celebration and remembrance, we often get together with friends and family. Naturally, the warm weather this time of the year is primetime for grilling. We’ve mentioned some of these tips before, but it is never a bad idea to have a reminder.

By following these simple tips, you will help make this Memorial Day memorable for the right reasons.

  • Only use propane or charcoal grills outdoors. Using them indoors can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Keep children away from any flammable liquids.
  • Keep the grill away from overhangs and deck railings. Also keep it away from heavy foot traffic.
  • Keep children and pets away from the grill.
  • Clean the grill before and after use. You don’t want any excess fat or grease to ignite while you are grilling.
  • Use long-handled tools. This will keep your body a safe distance from the flame.
  • Never leave the grill unattended.

Let’s enjoy this weekend in a way that will keep everyone safe!


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