Repairing Fireplace Mortar

Having fireplaces at home is really beneficial. They can keep you warm whenever you feel cold. You and your family can enjoy quality time whenever you are in the living room or in the library once your fireplace starts that wonderful fire. You can have endless conversations with your friends and tasty coffee breaks with them with the use of the fire that your fireplace is emitting. Fireplaces can give you countless advantages for your home experience that is why it is just fair to take care of it and keep it clean. Your fireplace is connected to your chimney and when the chimney gets damaged, you know that it may cause bigger trouble. Leaving your chimney cracked and damaged for a long time might cause explosive floors and walls. To address these problems, here are some steps that you can consider when repairing a fireplace mortar.

First, you must remove all the unnecessary dirt and objects such as the broken mortars and other debris. This would serve as the preparation for the whole repair and would help you see other parts of the chimney which are damaged. The next step to take is make or mix the mortar which you would use to replace the damaged ones. Make sure that the replacement you have would be resistant to the heat that the appliances you have connected to the chimney would produce. These should be high quality mortars. Next, you shall now apply the mortar in between the spaces of the bricks and in between the cracks. You should fill in all the damages and keep all the bricks intact. Make sure that you do not leave any space or all your efforts would just go to waste. After that, let the mortar dry up. The estimated time for waiting for it to dry is one to two days. Once the mortar is all dry, you can now make it look neater by using a brush to remove all the unnecessary dirt and debris. Always remember to start fixing your mortar as soon as you see a small damage. Do not wait for it to get worse so you can avoid replacement.

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